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Top 5 Domo Alternatives & Competitors: An Unbiased List for 2023

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Domo stands out as one of the few low-code big data visualization app platforms developed to help business owners integrate and visualize their data.

From reviews, we’ve also seen that it is useful for analyzing marketing campaigns’ performance. Domo is an end-to-end analytics data and business intelligence solution that does more than organize data for you.

From integration connection to transformation and data pipelines to analysis and visualization to exporting and sharing embedded analytics, Domo takes care of the entire spectrum to adequately service its clientele. 

We’ve come to see that Domo even supports every type of Business Intelligence user. From marketing campaign managers to data scientists and analysts to regular users.

But if Domo isn’t the tool for you, there are other alternatives to Domo that can suit your business.

Currently, the industry is raving for Porter Metrics as it stands out as the only marketing data reporting and visualization tool that gets your marketing data onto a breathtaking dashboard in under one minute.

Here’s a link, you can see it for yourself. You can also get their support team to guide you through the process of setting up your first report. It’s very easy. Schedule a call and let them help you set up your report now.

Actual Domo Alternatives: An Unbiased List for 2022

Porter Metrics is an automated marketing reporting tool that helps digital marketers pull all their marketing data into one place for easy reporting.

With Porter Metrics, you can create custom reports or use one of the 80+ report templates. Porter Metrics is worth checking out if you’re looking for an Top Domo alternative.


Actual Domo Alternatives: An Unbiased List for 2022

Domo takes stock of your real-time data and reporting. It allows you to arrive seamlessly at insightful business intelligence essential for scaling your business.

With Domo, you can visualize your data and project potential problems and challenges you can begin tackling. Most importantly, it allows you to fix issues before it worsens. 

Domo Pricing 

Actual Domo Alternatives: An Unbiased List for 2022

Domo pricing works like any other pay-as-you-go service. So you can use data storage, data refresh rates, the volume of data queries, and users and make payments depending on how often you use this bi tool.

Domo Integrations

Domo Integrations

Some of Domo’s data integrations or connectors include:

Actual Domo Alternatives: An Unbiased List for 2022

  • Instagram
  • Google Analytics
  • Oracle
  • Salesforce
  • MySQL
  • Zendesk
  • Facebook Ads
  • Stripe
  • Marketo
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Domo software has over 150+ connectors and integrations; you can access them here.

Domo Key Features

  • Reporting and Dashboard
  • Self-Service Analytics
  • Data Sharing and Embedded Analytics
  • ROI Tracking
  • Data Apps

Domo Pros & Cons


  • Offers a free trial
  • Data Sharing and embedded analytics
  • It has an intuitive user interface
  • Dependable customer support


  • Lacks a chat interface where you can quickly access support. You are only able to contact sales via the homepage.

Who Is Domo Recommended For?

Domo is used by clients in the communication sector, financial services, and manufacturing sectors. They have clients from Media, Retail, Tech, and other professional services who use their business intelligence tools.

They have over 2000+ users and are in touch with about 450+ CEOs who love their products and services.

Morphio is recommended for brands within these industries, E-commerce Stores, Startups, Digital Agencies, and small businesses.

Porter Metrics

Porter Metrics

Porter Metrics is a working alternative to Domo largely because it gives you everything Domo struggles to provide including 24/7 support and almost free pricing.

Porter integrates your daily social media and marketing data to Google Data Studio for a few dollars a month so that you can automate your reporting with just a few clicks. 

It helps organize and visualize all your high-volume marketing data and provides templates, so you don’t have to start from a blank page to develop your report.

Plus, you don’t need any coding skills to use the platform as the learning curve is easy. With Porter Metrics, you can create custom reports or use one of the 80+ report templates

Porter Metrics integrates with all the major digital marketing platforms to get a complete overview of your marketing performance. It’s perfect for small businesses or agencies who want to save time on reporting.

With Porter Metrics Connectors, you can automate client reporting processes in minutes. Porter is an essential player in helping firms monitor their most critical KPIs.

You can use it to link your critical business data with other tools you already use, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Linkedin, Hubspot, and other social media, and all your marketing data.

As a bonus, you can utilize Porter to estimate your entire ad spend and ROI from various ad channels, such as those offered by Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok.

With Porter Metrics, You enjoy:

24/7 Customer Support

Porter Metrics customer support team replies in less than 10 minutes and offers support to help you create executive-level dashboards 24/7. You can as well schedule a one-to-one session where we can assist you in real-time.

Easy To Use Dashboard, Connectors, and Templates

Porter Metric offers a no-code platform that only requires you to select a template from our template gallery, connect your data source using our data connectors, and make a few tweaks to the template to best convey your desired message. In the end, you’ll see that got landed a beautiful template focused specifically on performance and conversions.

Value for Money

Porter Metric’s pricing plans are pocket-friendly, especially compared to Domo. They offer the same service as these companies and also hold your hands every step of the way. Here are the pricing plans we offer at Porter Metrics:

Porter Metrics Pricing

Porter Metrics

1. Solo

Pricing: $15 Per Month | $150/Year

This plan includes only one data source connection and unlimited users to help you track your performance metrics.

2. Teams

Pricing: $30 Per Month | $300/Year

This plan includes five connections with unlimited users and additional connections.

3. Agencies

Pricing: $80 Per Month | $800/Year

This plan includes twenty connections with unlimited users and additional connectors to help you monitor your performance metrics.

4. Custom

This plan requires you to schedule a call with Porter and describe what would work best for your business or organization. Porter Metrics can help you track how well your marketing channels are doing.

You can use it to measure your social media growth or rank higher on Google via search engine optimization to get more leads. Get your first report for free in less than 5 minutes.

You can also get the Porter Metrics support team to guide you through setting up your first report. It’s very easy. Schedule a call and let them help you set up your report now

Porter Metrics


Also, Porter Metrics offers a 14-day free trial, a free plan, and three pricing plans that are much more affordable than Domo.

Free Forever plan:

Actual Morphio Alternatives: Porter Metrics Pricing

The free plan includes a 14-day free trial for all Porter Connectors, a Facebook Competitors connector lifetime free deal, and 80+ free Google Data Studio templates you can use immediately.

Porter Metrics Connectors

Actual Morphio Alternatives: Porter Metrics Integration

The integrations and Connectors available on Porter Metrics are categorized into Social Media, Ads, E-Commerce, CRM, Payment, and SEO. The following applies for the categories.

Social Media: Facebook Insights, Facebook competitors, LinkedIn Pages, Instagram Insights, Twitter Analytics, Facebook Public Data

Ads: Facebook + Instagram Ads, TikTok Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Twitter Ads

E-Commerce: Shopify, WooCommerce, Klaviyo, Amazon Seller Central

CRM: Hubspot, Mailchimp

Payments: Stripe

SEO: Google Business Profile (Google My Business), Google BigQuery, Google Sheets

Porter Metrics Key Features

Porter Metrics offers the following features.

  • No-code data Integration: Porter Metrics offers no-code data integration, meaning you don’t need coding skills to connect your data sources. Porter Metrics has pre-built integrations with popular marketing platforms such as Facebook Ads and Microsoft Advertising.
  • Data visualization: Porter Metrics offers a variety of extensive data visualization options to help you better understand and analyze data. Porter Metrics’ data visualization options include; charts, tables, maps, and Funnels.
  • Custom reports: Porter Metrics allows you to create custom reports to get all the necessary data you need. Porter Metric’s custom reports are interactive, and users can share them with others.
  • Report scheduling: Porter Metrics allows you to schedule your reports to receive them daily automatically, weekly, or monthly.
  • CRM & Email Marketing Integration: The CRM & Emarketing Integration feature allows you to connect your Porter Metrics account with your CRM or email marketing platform.
  • Exceptional Customer Support: We offer a live chat with quick responses and helpful recommendations, a dedicated team to help you set up, migrate, or replicate your reports for free, and personalized training on Google Data studio.

Other features include; Analytics Dashboard, Data Management, Ecommerce Tracking, Live chat support for everyone, Multi-Touch Attribution, Google Analytics Integration, A/B Testing, Social media analytics, Funnel Analysis, White-label reports.

Who is Porter Metrics Recommended For?

Fundamentally, Porter Metrics is great for businesses in the digital marketing, advertising and sales space – for instance marketing agencies.

The digital marketing automation platform can easily connect to your data sources to gather consumer data and create insightful reports to help you analyze your marketing efforts and make better decisions for your business.

Porter Metrics Pros & Cons

Pros: Offers a free plan, No-code data pipeline, Unlimited data warehouse and data sources, Highly intuitive interface, Social media analytics, Custom metrics, and allows multiple users per account

Cons: Limited SaaS integration

Porter Metrics vs. Domo

Domo is a decent marketing analytics platform, but Porter Metrics is superior since it connects to more data sources and has more integration possibilities, 80+ customizable report templates, and free Google Data Studio training.

Owox BI

Owox BI Dashboard

Owox BI combines your data from Google Analytics, advertising sources, call tracking services, and emails into Google BigQuery.

With Owox BI, you can answer thousands of questions about buyers, products, orders, and advertising campaigns across Bing, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Criteo, and other advertising services.

Owox BI offers some products to help you grow your business quickly and easily. These products include

  1. Owox Pipeline

Automatically collect and blend data from multiple sources.

2. Owox Smart Data

You can get marketing reports without help from analysts, developers, or SQL knowledge.

3. Google Sheets ↔ BigQuery

You can use the free Owox BI BigQuery Reports add-on to upload data from Google Sheets to the BigQuery cloud storage. This will allow you to use the data in your reports.

Owox BI Pricing

Actual Morphio Alternatives: Owox BI Pricing

Owox BI pricing plans will only pay for the number of data sources.

  • Start Plan: This plan is free, offers one data source, and allows you to import Cost data to Google Analytics.
  • Marketing Data Plan: This plan starts at $55 per month.
  • Reports & Attribution Plan: This plan starts at $970 per month.
  • Enterprise Plan: This plan offers tailored solutions for data-intensive companies. You’ll contact Owox specialists to set up a marketing data model that unifies all aspects of your business. This will be at a custom price.

Owox BI Integrations

Owox BI offers data integration from over 135 connectors including but not limited to: Amazon Seller Central, Google Ads, Google Big Query, Google Sheets, Amazon Redshift, Amazon S3, MySQL, Hubspot, Salesforce, Github, Klaviyo, Recharge, Bold, Facebook Ads, Google Analytics, TikTok, Kno Commerce, Postscript, Pinterest, Snapchat

Owox BI’s Key Features

The following are some of Owox BI’s outstanding key features.

  • Data visualization
  • Custom reports
  • Data Blending
  • Cross-Channel Reports
  • No-code data integration
  • Owox BI Pipeline


Databox is the second other alternatives to Domo we’d like to talk about today. Its almost flawless for digital marketing analytics. 


Databox Overview

Databox is an online solution that enables you to collect all of your company’s data in one place and provide meaningful KPIs. Databox is a tool for key performance indicators in business analytics.

Databox was created in 2011 and is one of the most popular marketing reporting tools. They have over 2,000 clients, and more than 25,000 businesses depend on Databox.

Since inception, the brand has expanded rapidly, reaching at least $4.8 million in revenue and more than 90 employees in 2022.

As is the case with the majority of accessible marketing reporting and automation tools, Databox allows you to integrate data from multiple platforms and channels into a single dashboard where you can track KPIs and improve your methods. 

Databox Pricing

Databox provides a free plan for life, which can be accessed via the Databox app by supplying an enterprise email address. In addition, There are three Databox price plan you’ll see if you visit their website. But before that lets talk about the free plan.

You can ccess the following in the free plan:

  • Basic attributes
  • 3 data connectors
  • 60 Databox Connections

If you ever decide to settle for databox, we’ve displayed their pricing plan below to give you a mental image of the foregoing. These are the primary price plans offered by Databox:

Actual Datorama Alternatives: Databox pricing

Databox Integrations

These are the primary Databox integrations: Linkedin Ads, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Microsoft Advertising, Twitter, SEMrush, Ahrefs, MOZ, Google Big Query, Google Search Console

Databox Features

Databox’s user management is simple and easy to use. To access the user management page, just click on “Account” and then “User Management.”

Here, you can create a profile and include an email address, photo, your name, and any other essential details. You can also invite several other users to have access to the dashboard.

Administrators have full control over all data and can add new users. Editors can only edit the data they’ve been invited to change. Users can only change and operate on data they’ve created themselves.

In addition, buyers can white-label Databox, which simplifies the purchasing procedure. Simply navigate to the “Branding & White-label” section of “Add-ons” to purchase white-label.

It enables various operations, such as updating mobile branding and editing or removing specific data from reports.

Your pricing plan also affects your access to previous data; hence, the more expensive your plan, the more historical data you will have access to.

Through the use of filters and dimensions, Databox allows for the generation of bespoke metrics. Using Query Builder, you may create your own custom metrics without any technical or engineering knowledge.

Your data’s freshness can also vary based on the data source and the frequency of synchronization between them. YouTube, for instance, is updated every eight hours.

However, the frequency of various data sources may be once per day, every 12 hours, etc. Moreover, they can view the dashboard to which they have access.

Observers can witness events as they unfold in real-time, but cannot alter the data. Databox’s website contains additional information regarding user management.

Databox Customer Support

At the moment, Databox lacks a chat interface but they respond pretty quick to emails. So, to contact the Databox team regarding your concerns, you’ll have to fill out a form on their website or send them an email with as much information as possible so that they can assist you.


BetterMetrics is a marketing analytics tool that helps you automate your data pipeline. It makes it easy for digital marketers to collect all their marketing data in one place, so you can easily analyze and take action on your data. 

BetterMetrics picks up your marketing data from your advertising accounts, like Facebook Ads, and brings it to your favorite reporting tool, like Google Sheets, every hour — making manual PPC reporting a thing of the past.

Plus, it automatically analyzes eCommerce data and exports it to Google Sheets every hour, so you can always stay on top of your marketing reports.

Actual Morphio Alternatives: BetterMetrics

BetterMetrics Pricing

Actual Morphio Alternatives: BetterMetrics pricing

BetterMetrics offers a 7-day free trial and three pricing plans:

  • Essentials, €25 per month
  • Pro, €49 per month
  • Enterprise, €399 per month

BetterMetrics Integrations

BetterMetrics offers limited integrations from the following data sources. The following are integrations and connectors on Better Metrics: Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn, Bing Ads, Pinterest ads, Twitter ads, Capterra, Reddit.

BetterMetrics Key Features

Some of the key features offered by BetterMetrics include: ROI Tracking, Campaign Analytics, Campaign Management and Website Analytics


Pathmatics is a marketing analytics platform solution provider that helps top agencies, brands, and publishers make smart decisions and understand how digital advertising works on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, display, mobile, and video.

Actual Owox BI Alternatives: Pathmatics

Pathmatics prides itself on being the world’s largest marketing intelligence platform. It has a database of over 100 million digital ad impressions and can provide insights into marketing campaigns and social media analytics and takes marketing data from all over the world and turns it into valuable insights.

Pathmatics Pricing

Actual Owox BI Alternatives: Pathmatics Pricing

Pathmatics does not provide pricing information on its site. Instead, it offers three packages – Explorer, Connect, and Custom – whose prices are only available upon request.

You’ll have to get a quote for each package you’re interested in to compare them before committing to one.

Pathmatics Integrations

Actual Owox BI Alternatives: Pathmatics Integrations

Pathmatics offers the following integrations: Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads, MailChimp, Hubspot, Youtube Ads, Salesforce, Google Ad Manager, Google Analytics, Microsoft Advertising, Bing Ads and Facebook Ads.

Pathmatics Key Features

Pathmatics provides the following key features:

  • Channel attribution
  • Digital ad spend analysis
  • Benchmarking
  • Competitive intelligence
  • Real-time data reports

Peel Insights

Peel Insights is a marketing analytics tool that helps connect all your marketing data points so you can analyze them. 

Actual Morphio Alternatives: Peel Insights

This automated platform transforms raw data into meaningful insights, so that you can spend less time building spreadsheets and more time building your business.

This automated approach reports and insights ensures that businesses who use the platform grow rapidly.

Peel Insights Pricing

Actual Morphio Alternatives: Peel Insights Pricing

Peel Insights offers a 15-day pricing plan along with three paid plans;

  • Starter: This plan costs $50 per month and offers the essentials, including 1 Shopify store and high-level reporting to help you grow your business.
  • Pro: This plan costs $160 per month. It includes everything in the Starter plan, Unlimited Shopify stores, and data connectors. You’ll also be able to track your subscription analytics with this plan.
  • Premier: This plan costs $400 per month and includes everything in the Pro plan plus a custom suite of analysis and support.

Peel Insights also offers Agency Pricing. Reach out to learn more about their agency pricing and incentives.

Peel Insights Integrations

Peel Insights supports about 30 ready-to-use integrations across Databases, SaaS Applications, Cloud Storage, SDKs, and Streaming Services. They include:

  • Kno Commerce
  • Amazon Seller Central
  • Postscript
  • Pinterest
  • Snapchat
  • Gorgias
  • Attentive
  • Skio
  • Smartrr
  • Enquire Labs
  • Awtomic
  • Shopify
  • Klaviyo
  • Recharge
  • Bold
  • Slack
  • Facebook Ads
  • Google Ads
  • TikTok

Peel Insights Key Features

Actual Morphio Alternatives: Peel Insights Key Features

It offers a wide range of features, including Marketing Analysis, Real-time reporting, detailed insights and analysis, the ability to track and analyze your marketing campaigns, cohort analyses, segmentation, daily reports, the ability to export data into Excel or CSV format, growth insights, marketing performance, attribution Modeling and Multi-Touch Campaign


To respond to the question about which of these products will work for me? We want to sum it up with the answer that it depends on the platform that best aligns with your needs and budget.

Based on our experience, Porter Metrics has friendly support that will help talk you through your options so you can decide which to pick.

You can quickly set up a call here so you’ll be clear on which to pick in a few minutes. Schedule a call and let support help you set up your report now.

Porter Metrics also offers a 14-day free trial, templates, tutorials, and personalized support to see you through the onboarding process.

You can book a free report setup if you find it challenging to create your first report. You can also contact Porter Metrics via live chat, and we’ll get back to you in the shortest time possible (usually under 10 minutes)

If you’re looking for an extra set of eyes on your marketing efforts – one that can predict trends and alert you at the first sign of trouble, Porter Metrics is the tool for you.

In a nutshell, the best alternative to Domo is Porter Metrics. With Porter Metrics, you can create custom reports or use one of the 80+ report templates. 

Now you’ve been rightly informed. We trust that you’ll pick the best option that suits your needs.

If you are thinking Porter Metrics like us, here’s a link to try our free templates for 14 days. Make your first report with Porter Metrics totally free and within 1 minute. Cheers!

Meet the author

Picture of Juan Bello

Juan Bello

Juan Bello the co-founder and CEO of Porter Metrics, is a dedicated marketer who founded the company to help marketers make faster, data-driven decisions without the need for developers or wasting time and money⁠. He has a focus on helping marketing agencies and SMB marketing teams centralize and visualize their data on Looker Studio and Google Sheets without coding or complex setups.

Automate your marketing reporting in Looker Studio

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