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  5. Top 5 Megalytic Alternatives & Competitors: An Unbiased List for 2023

Top 5 Megalytic Alternatives & Competitors: An Unbiased List for 2023

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Reporting is becoming easier as there are more marketing reporting automation tools in the industry. One of the most accessible tools is Megalytic, which will help you to extract data from various platforms and put it in a simple dashboard. 

This article’s purpose, however, is different. We will mainly talk about Megalytic alternatives you should try in 2022 and what makes them special. 

In case you do not have detailed information about the tool and the industry overall, we have created a detailed Megalytic review for you in the past. 

In this article, we will briefly break down the main technical specifications of Megalytic. After that, we will list the best Megalytic alternatives for you. 

Megalytic Overview

Megalytic, founded in 2011, was one of the first well-known digital marketing reporting tools. The company is based in New York and employs about ten people. 

Megalytic is a marketing reporting software that automates your reports and presents them in a straightforward format.

In other words, the major purpose of Megalytic is to make the reporting process easier for you while also saving you time and money.

Megalytic also seeks to provide its users with an easy-to-use interface so everyone can use it effectively.

Megalytic works by assisting you in gathering data from numerous platforms such as Google Analytics or Google Ads and combining it in a single dashboard.

As a result, it ensures that you can share your reports without allowing access to any of your accounts on various digital marketing platforms.

Megalytic dashboard

Megalytic Pricing

Pricing is one of the most critical elements in determining which product will be your guide to better reporting.

It goes without saying that if you don’t see a plan that meets your budget, you can easily avoid utilizing it. As a result, most marketing reporting solutions feature at least three to four price options.

Megalytic is no exception in this regard. Aside from the 14-day trial period, it has four pricing plans:

  • Basic Plan: With this plan, you pay a low monthly fee of $39.99 and have access to ten reports and ten connections. Because only one user is permitted under this plan, we can conclude that it is intended for people rather than businesses or enterprises.
  • Standard Plan: If you select the standard plan, you will have to pay over $100 per month. It also provides extra features, such as 30 reports and 50 connections for your account. However, the number of users stays at one.
  • Premium Plan: As the name suggests, it is more appealing and is intended for mid-sized agencies and businesses. Three people may access it, and you can add up to ten clients to your reports. You should pay 199.99$ per month for 50 reports and 100 connections.
  • Enterprise Plan: It is designed for large enterprises and agencies with many clients; thus, having 100 reports and 200 connections per month makes sense. The account allows five users and 50 clients to view the reports, and the monthly fee is $399.98.

Megalytic Integrations

Regarding the amount of integrations, Megalytic ranks lower than the average among marketing reporting tools. Megalytic has the following integrations:

Megalytic Features

When it comes to user administration, it’s simple if you’ve used Google Sheets before.

Adding users to your reports is discussed on the website’s knowledge page, and there you can see that all you have to do is invite your team member or customer to your reports by knowing their names and emails.

With Megalytic, you can customize your reports to your client’s preferences. It is essential for effective reporting and makes it much easier for your clients to understand.

Because these dashboards are responsive, you may make changes to them in real-time. You will also be able to produce white-labeled reports or multilingual bespoke branding.

You may add your brand message, logo, and any colors you like to your reports, resulting in a more visually appealing, personalized report. It will also be enjoyable for both you and your clients.

You can read how to activate white-label features for your dashboards on the white-label page.

When it comes to data-blending, it is self-evident that if you can acquire your data from numerous platforms and mix it in one dashboard, you have access to data-blending.

You may import your data into the Megalytic dashboard using the CSV widget. The data you import should, of course, be in CSV format. Otherwise, it will be rejected.

You can also export your data from Megalytic and view it on your smartphone, decide what to change, and return to it later.

Who is Megalytic Recommended For?

Megalytic users are usual for a digital marketing platform: freelancers, small, medium, and large-sized businesses, and organizations from all over the globe who want to improve their reporting experiences.

Depending on the budget, one can easily use one of its monthly plans to generate unique reports for the clients.

So if you are into digital marketing reporting and have basic knowledge of it, you are a potential Megalytic user. 

Megalytic Customer Support

Isn’t it important how a company interacts with its customers about their problems? Megalytic delivers on this. They state on their website that they have “excellent” customer service, which is evident from the variety of customer support they provide.

To ask a question or explain a problem, you can contact them via email/help desk, FAQ, forum, or live chat on the website. They also have a help page where you can get answers to general questions and issues.

Megalytic Pros and Cons

Megalytic Pros

We can say that Megalytic has several advantages that may be important in your decision to use it:

  • Simple to use and integrate with Google Analytics 
  • There are numerous widgets available.
  • Customer service is responsive and helpful.
  • The reports’ final appearances are excellent.

Megalytic Cons

When it comes to Megalytic drawbacks, we must mention:

  • The features are limited when compared to other tools on the market, and it can be costly if you have more than 5-6 clients.
  • The number of integrations available is limited.
  • There is no mobile solution.

Megalytic Reviews and Ratings

Overall, we can say that the general impressions of Megalytic are positive, but the number of votes it has received does not allow us to conclude that it is one of the best tools available that you should try.

  • Getapp.com: Megalytic has 4.5 / 5 on this platform, which is invalid because only 6 people voted on this platform.
  • G2: The rating of 4.8 here is more credible, as 33 people voted for it, but it is still insufficient to draw any conclusions.
  • Capterra: Megalytic has the same number of votes and ratings as GetApp on this platform, which is 4.5 and 6 users.
  • Megalytic received an 8.9 out of 10 on Trustradius, with 8 ratings.

Megalytic Highlights

People who want to try Megalytic for the next few months and are wondering if it is worth it can get answers from the reviews they receive.

If you are interested in digital marketing reporting, Megalytic is a must-try. However, it is not without flaws, as we have already discussed. 

The tool is web-based and is available for all types of customers, from freelancers to big corporations. It is safe and customizable, and you can white-label your reports. However, some features are limited, and there can be inconsistencies in the speed. 

Megalytic Alternatives

Porter Metrics

The first Megalytic alternative on our list is Porter Metrics, equivalent to Zapier for data reporting. It allows you to generate reports in less than a minute and just with a few clicks. 

Actual Megalytic Alternatives: Porter Metrics

The Facebook Ads reporting template and the metrics, numbers, and performance indicators are shown above. You can calculate your performances, increases, and decreases in them to understand what is going on in your channels. 

Porter Metrics Overview

One of the most straightforward and useful tools available is Porter Metrics. You will only need a few clicks to create the reports you want.

A digital reporting tool called Porter Metrics assists in streamlining and automating reporting processes. This can be aided by using social media, website analytics, PPC, SEO, e-commerce, and CRM channels.

You must choose your channels, campaigns, and objectives before you can start creating these reports. After combining data from various sources and using dashboard templates, you can create reports.

The process will be finished in a short amount of time. Because Porter Metrics looks out for its users throughout their journey, we can confidently say that it is one of the most user-friendly tools.

Porter Metrics Pricing

You will see a variety of pricing options with Porter Metrics. Three of them are fixed, and one is customizable, as it is designed for bigger companies.

But Porter is trying to focus on small and mid-sized companies more, so their pricing plans are affordable. Here are the main pricing plans of Porter Metrics

Actual Megalytic Alternatives: Porter Metrics pricing

As you pay more, the number of app accounts, Google My Business Locations, and features increase, making it more comfortable to work with. 

Porter Metrics Integrations

Along with the number of connectors, the quality of the tool is crucial if you want to see more common and important data integrations. The most significant Porter Metrics integrations include the ones listed below:

Porter Metrics Features

As was already mentioned, the capability to generate reports with a single click is one of Porter’s most alluring features.

Freelancers and small businesses on a budget may value this less expensive alternative to AgencyAnalytics when building custom reports.

To make the dashboard appear uniquely yours, you can white-label your reports, modify the metrics and alter them, one of the most well-liked and frequently used features of marketing reporting automation software.

You can customize your metrics, which is one of the best ways to make the report unique. The tool is safe, and you will have no data leaks or security concerns about your data privacy.

No third party is going to access it without you giving permission to it. The onboarding procedure can get started right away.

Porter Metrics vs Megalytic

Overall, Porter Metrics has more features that would be suitable for your business and reporting strategies. It is a better solution for mid-sized and small companies, and its features are more affordable.

Also, Porter is one of the easiest tools in the market, so if you rely on it in your reporting automation, the tool will exceed your expectations. 

Porter is on top of our Megalytic alternatives list for the reasons mentioned. You can give it a try now and get a free report setup with Porter

Stitch Data

Stitch Data is another ETL platform that will help you transform your data and make it look more appealing. It functions as a data warehouse for your marketing performance data, so you can always move the data with Stitch Data. 

Stitch Data Overview

Stitch Data was established in 2016 and is based in Philadelphia. Less than 50 people work for the small business. And Stitch Data has funding of over $7 million, which is a great amount for only 5 and a half years.

In order for both companies to assist users in marketing automation processes, Talend‘s creators acquired Stitch Data. Stitch Data is an open-source platform allowing you to consolidate all your data into one warehouse from different platforms.

It is a cloud-based platform that lets you move your data from data sources like SalesForce to data destinations like Facebook, Instagram, and Google Analytics.

Stitch Data, to put it briefly, is a marketing reporting tool that automatically generates a destination point using information gathered from various platforms.

Stitch Data is an ETL (extract, transform, load) platform designed to move data from multiple platforms to one, which simplifies the reporting process, as we have already mentioned.

It operates on the same principles as the other products on the market, gathering information from various campaigns and channels into a single dashboard. 

Here, the marketing teams or the clients can monitor the KPIs and performances for particular time frames and develop strategies based on the real-time information obtained from the aforementioned sources.

It is a fantastic solution for KPI delivery, marketing performance optimization, and the agencies’ and companies’ overall sales strategy.

Stitch Data Pricing

Stitch Data offers different pricing tiers than most reporting and ETL platforms. They typically have three pricing tiers, but we can think of them as having nine. We’ll now explain it. The three main pricing tiers they offer are as follows:

Stitch Data Pricing

Stitch Data Integrations

Data sources and destinations are separated in Stitch Data. There are more than 130 data sources, the main ones being the ones below: 

And the following are the Stitch Data destinations you should know about: 

Stitch Data Features

Custom formulas depend on these destination points as Stitch Data does not have a unified dashboard, and you rely on their data warehouses and destinations.

Because the colors, design, and metrics can be altered and the person working on it doesn’t feel constrained, custom dashboards make the reporting process more enjoyable.

Additionally, white-labeling is dependent on these destinations because you cannot white-label your reports using Stitch Data.

You can brand the source setup procedure described on their website and necessitates technical understanding.

Stitch Data will be able to analyze the most recent and historical data once you’ve connected your sources.

Most of the time, as soon as you connect their API to Stitch Data, you will be able to analyze the data from the previous year. Due to the restrictions and limitations imposed by the platform, it might change.

Stitch Data Customer Support

You can enter the necessary information on the Stitch Data contact page, including your name, surname, email, and the problem you’re having. Alternatively, you can enter a live chat and be connected to a support team member there.

According to what we can tell from the reviews and comments, Stitch Data’s customer service is not a source of complaints or one of the main drawbacks that customers list.

Stitch Data vs Megalytic

Stitch Data is more of a transition between your data sources and destinations than Megalytic. The features you can use depend on the data destinations, which is not the case with Megalytic. 

It also does not use a single fixed dashboard, so you will have more options with Stitch Data too. The pricing is also more flexible and customizable depending on your needs. 

If you are looking for a Megalytic alternative, Stitch Data should be on your list. 


The next tool on our list is Funnel.io, one of the market’s most popular and well-funded tools. 

Actual Megalytic Alternatives: Funnel.io

Funnel.io Overview

One of the most well-known pieces of marketing software, Funnel, was created in 2014 by the makers of Qwaya, a Facebook advertising tool.

More than 200 people work for the company, which is significantly more than the average for the sector. Marketing reporting businesses are typically mid-sized and, if successful, have $3–4 million in funding.

In the meantime, Funnel has raised more than 66 million dollars, demonstrating the company’s success in the international market.

This article will cover everything you need to know about Funnel.io, including what sets them apart from other marketing reporting tools.

Using the marketing reporting tool funnel, users can combine data from various platforms and social media channels into a single dashboard to help them achieve their KPIs and objectives.

It is a cloud-based tool created to automate reporting and free users from manual, tiresome work.

Funnel.io Pricing

You can select one of the following three pricing levels with Funnel.io:

  • Essentials: The Funnel team will provide email support, and you can connect to 260+ platforms for €359 if you purchase 5 seats.
  • Plus: This plan is more readily available because it is more expensive than the first. More than 500 connectors, email and chat support, a data guarantee, and unlimited seats are all included for €899.
  • Enterprise: Because it starts at €1799, this plan is intended for the largest businesses. Everything in this plan can be customized based on your needs and financial situation, and they can find the best solutions for you.
Funnel.io Pricing

Funnel.io Integrations

There are more than 500 data sources and integrations on Funnel.io. There are a lot of them, but among them, we can see some of the most important ones:

  • HubSpot
  • Google Analytics
  • Quora
  • Google Ads
  • TikTok
  • HubSpot
  • Google Ads
  • Instagram
  • Adobe Analytics

Funnel.io Features

Creating custom metrics in Funnel gives users a great deal of flexibility. Some analytics tools don’t allow you to add columns to your dashboard based on your calculations.

Users of Funnel.io can add custom metrics and apply custom formulas. Their website provides instructions for calculating custom metrics, which can be a useful reference.

Analytics tools can greatly benefit from providing users with white-label solutions. Users can add their brand items and customize their reports using this feature.

Funnel.io does not appear to offer this option to its users in any pricing plan, which could be seen as a negative for them.

After adding any channel or platform data to your dashboard, you can use Funnel.io to track and analyze your performance. The typical historical data length in Funnel.io is two years.

Furthermore, this data is updated hourly, so it is safe to say that you have access to almost real-time data.

Funnel.io Support

Three ways to contact Funnel are listed on their website’s help page. You can contact them by phone or email or post your issue and basic information in a forum.

Given that there are no significant issues with Funnel.io’s customer service, it is safe to assume they offer the highest caliber of assistance.

Funnel.io vs Megalytic

The funnel has got more features and data sources in comparison with Megalytic. However, it does not offer white-label options.

The customer support options are both high-level, and the pricing options are affordable. However, Funnel.io is a better option for companies with bigger budgets and needs. 


The last tool on our main list of Megalytic alternatives is Report Garden

Actual Megalytic Alternatives: ReportGarden

ReportGarden Overview

Since its founding in 2013, ReportGarden has provided its users with services. About 30 people are working for the small business. About $4 million is the company’s annual revenue.

With data gathered from various sources, ReportGarden is an analysis tool that assists users in producing concise reports. You can track SEO, PPC, and social media data with the tool, making reporting more straightforward and enjoyable.

A straightforward dashboard is created using ReportGarden’s working principle, which automates data collection and real-time data updates from various channels.

Users can use the APIs of their analytics, PPC, SEO, or social media tools to collect this information. To put it another way, ReportGarden enables various channels to “cooperate” to produce clear reports.

You can track your ad campaigns, keyword rankings, positions across various search engines, and social media performance with the aid of these reports. You can also analyze your performance.

Making data-driven decisions based on what you see on your dashboard after gathering this data is up to you.

Report Garden Pricing

The pricing options offered by ReportGarden are yet another important aspect influencing your decision. Reporting tools typically give users 3-5 pricing options to make it more affordable for every type of business and freelancer. ReportGarden is no different. The price ranges they provide are as follows:

Report Garden Pricing

Report Garden Integrations

You can use several integrations and data sources in ReportGarden to create your reports. Users can gather data from social media, SEO, PPC, and other channels for analytics and use it to build interactive marketing, LinkedIn, SEO, and PPC dashboards.

Here are a few ReportGarden integrations that are noteworthy:

  • Facebook Ads
  • Twitter Analytics
  • Bing Ads
  • Google Ads
  • Google Analytics
  • LinkedIn Analytics
  • MailChimp

Report Garden Features

You can make your own calculated, personalized formulas with ReportGarden and include them in your dashboard. These formulas can be modified to include margins, and eventually, your dashboard will include more metrics.

As a result, your analysis and conclusions will be more pertinent. In addition, ReportGarden allows you to white-label your reports.

As it enables you to customize the reports, white-labeling is a crucial feature for reporting tools. White-labeling allows you to customize your dashboard with your brand’s message and particular features.

You can monitor, examine, and compare the development over time using data from various time periods. According to their website, there may occasionally be data discrepancies between the channels and the dashboard.

Data security is one of the most important considerations when using any analytics tool because you will be uploading sensitive information about your or your clients’ data. You need to make sure that this information is secure and that no one else can access it without your permission.

Analytics tools give this considerable weight, and ReportGarden is no exception. You can see that they adhere to the general encryption rules on their security page.

Additionally, there aren’t any security-related complaints in the user reviews, leading us to believe that if you choose ReportGarden, your data and privacy will be secure.

Additionally, you can download and export your data from the ReportGarden dashboard for later use.

You can share your reports with ReportGarden in a number of ways. From your account management, you can include your clients in your reports.

Alternatively, you could download the report and send it to your customers weekly or monthly. One of the coolest features of ReportGarden is the ability to schedule the report-sharing process.

Report Garden Customer Support

We can see from ReportGarden’s contact page that they accept requests for sales, demos, and customer service.

You can find the answers to your general questions about the tool in one of the various articles that are created based on the FAQs they receive.

When you click on customer support, you are taken to an email address where you can briefly describe your issues.

ReportGarden vs Megalytic

Offering more customizable and white-labeling solutions, Report Garden will be one of your first Megalytic alternatives if you are looking for one. 

It is not easy to decide which tools are the best for you unless you try them one by one and see the results for yourself. After all, it is not the battle of which tool is the best, but which tool is the most suitable fit for your benefits. 

In this manner, both Report Garden and Megalytic are strong candidates to make your reporting processes better. And Report Garden deserves to be on our top Megalytic alternatives list too. 

Megalytic Alternatives: Honorable Mentions

These are some other Megalytic alternatives you might give a try: 

Meet the author

Picture of Juan Bello

Juan Bello

Juan Bello the co-founder and CEO of Porter Metrics, is a dedicated marketer who founded the company to help marketers make faster, data-driven decisions without the need for developers or wasting time and money⁠. He has a focus on helping marketing agencies and SMB marketing teams centralize and visualize their data on Looker Studio and Google Sheets without coding or complex setups.

Automate your marketing reporting in Looker Studio

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