Free Sales Growth Rate Calculator (Template included)
Enter past and current sales figures to calculate the percentage change. The calculator displays growth rate instantly.
Free Social Media Follower Growth Rate Calculator (Template included)
Enter your current and previous follower counts to calculate the growth rate. The result shows the percentage increase over time.
Free Year-on-Year Growth Calculator (Template included)
Enter current and previous year sales data to calculate the percentage change. The result shows growth or decline.
Free MRR Growth Rate Calculator (Template included)
The MRR Growth Rate Calculator requires inputs for current and previous MRR. It computes the growth rate percentage, indicating revenue changes.
Free WoW Growth Calculator (Template included)
The WoW Growth Calculator requires input fields for current and previous week’s sales, automatically computing the percentage change.
Free Brand Awareness Calculator (Template included)
The Brand Awareness Calculator evaluates brand recall and recognition by analyzing consumer responses to specific prompts and scenarios.
Free Annual Recurring Revenue Calculator (Template included)
The Annual Recurring Revenue Calculator estimates ARR by inputting monthly recurring revenue, subscription fees, and excluding one-time payments.
Free Break-Even Analysis Calculator (Template included)
Enter fixed costs, variable costs per unit, and sales price per unit to calculate the break-even point in units.
Free CAGR Calculator (Template included)
Enter initial and final investment values, along with the time period, to calculate the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR).
Free CAC Calculator (Template included)
The CAC Calculator requires inputs like total marketing costs, sales expenses, and the number of new customers to compute CAC.