Email marketing report template for Looker Studio by Porter
Get the actual Email marketing on Looker Studio template used by Porter to monitor Email marketing performance.
HubSpot report template for Looker Studio by Porter
Get the actual HubSpot on Looker Studio template used by Porter to monitor B2B performance.
Mailchimp report template for Looker Studio by Porter
Get the actual Mailchimp on Looker Studio template used by Porter to monitor Email marketing performance.
Mailchimp report template for marketing teams and agencies
Analyze key metrics like conversion rate, CTR, and RPE with this Mailchimp report template. Track open rates, click rates, and engagement trends. Segment by campaign, audience, and content type. Ideal for email marketing teams to consolidate strategy and assess performance over time.
A/B testing report template for marketing teams and agencies
Optimize your campaigns with this A/B testing report template. Measure conversion rates, ROI, and click-through rates. Analyze target audience, demographics, and campaign messages. Consolidate data from Email Marketing and Copy for actionable insights. Ideal for marketing teams to track performance and refine strategies.
Email marketing Campaign performance report template for marketing teams and agencies
Analyze key metrics with the Email marketing Campaign performance report template. Track conversion rates, click-through rates, and open rates. Segment data by demographics, geography, and psychographics. View performance by hour, day, or year. Ideal for marketing teams to consolidate strategy and meet goals. Gain actionable insights to optimize your email marketing efforts.
CRM report template for marketing teams and agencies
CRM report template tracks key metrics: conversion rate, cost per acquisition, ROI. Analyze demographic, geographic, and psychographic data. Measure sales cycle length, average deal size, and CRM contact conversion. Ideal for B2B and email marketing teams to consolidate insights and refine strategies.
ActiveCampaign automation report template for marketing teams and agencies
Track and measure key metrics with the ActiveCampaign automation report template. Analyze conversion rates, ROI, and click-through rates across demographics and psychographics. Integrate CRM and email marketing data for actionable insights. Ideal for B2B marketing teams to optimize performance and achieve specific goals.
B2B Marketing performance report template for marketing teams and agencies
Optimize B2B Marketing performance with this report template. Track metrics like conversion rate, cost per acquisition, and customer lifetime value. Analyze CRM contacts and segment by industry, company size, and location. Ideal for marketing teams to measure and strategize using B2B, CRM, and Email Marketing data sources.
Lead generation report template for marketing teams and agencies
Optimize your strategy with the Lead generation report template. Track conversion rates, cost per conversion, and ROI. Analyze B2B, CRM, Email Marketing, and Facebook Ads data. Segment by audience, demographics, and behavior. Measure SQLs, sales cycle length, and CRM contact performance. Ideal for marketing teams seeking actionable insights.