Amazon Seller Central Connector

We’re here to simplify the life of small and medium size businesses by creating the most important tool in their business — Amazon Seller Central Google Data Studio Connector.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could import data from Amazon Seller Central directly into Google Data Studio?

We could hear a loud Yes!

Small and medium-sized businesses have great potential. The majority of them have no strategy in place to optimize their business nor do they have the skills or the time to make informed decisions impacting their businesses.

Our product allows them to set up a data dashboard with their KPIs, get insight into the numbers and make an informed decision on policies and actions affecting their sales and profitability.

How Our Connector Helps Amazon Sellers:

  1. Analyze the best performing products.Look into performance metrics weekly, monthly, and yearly.
  2. Manage inventory reports to order stock ahead of time.
  3. Help them analyze performance metrics for their paid initiatives to optimize for better results.
  4. Deeper dive into coupon performance concerning different product and variants.
  5. Helping to optimize the experience for sellers of all types, this tool will make it easier for you to sell more on Amazon.


Such a connector will positively improve Amazon selling experience and aid in business optimization.

Book our team to know more about the connector