Google Analytics 4 (GA4) ecommerce funnel dashboard template for Google Sheets

This template tracks key ecommerce funnel metrics: total users, new users, item views, add-to-carts, checkouts, purchases, conversion rates, revenue, and ARPU. 

By Porter

This template is built by the same marketers behind all our tutorials, support, and our template gallery.

Data sources included

+40,000 marketers have downloaded our dashboards

Questions you can answer using this Google Analytics 4 (GA4) dashboard template

  • How many users and new users are visiting the site?
  • What is the conversion rate at each stage of the ecommerce funnel?
  • How many item views lead to add-to-carts, checkouts, and purchases?
  • What is the total revenue generated and average revenue per paying user (ARPU)?
  • Where are the drop-offs occurring in the funnel, and how can we improve them
  • What are the trends in item views, add-to-carts, checkouts, and purchases from month to month?
  • How are specific funnel stages performing compared to previous months?

How to set up this Google Sheets template?

Copy the Google Analytics 4 (GA4) ecommerce funnel dashboard template for Google Sheets in one click and automate your reporting

Follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Make a copy of the template.

  • Step 2: Download the extension and authorize your profile.

  • Step 3: Choose the accounts you want to pull data from.

  • Step 4: Use our prebuilt queries or build one from scratch to automate your data collection. Alternatively, you can input data manually.

  • Step 5: Set up automatic refresh to keep your dashboard updated.

Metrics and dimensions included

Customize the template’s metrics and dimensions as you like. See all available Google Anlaytics 4 (GA4) fields


  • Traffic

    • Total users
    • New users

  • Customizable charts

    • Item views
    • Add to carts
    • Checkouts

  • Ecommerce purchases

    • Ecommerce purchases
    • Total revenue
    • ARPU (Average
    • Revenue Per Paying User)
    • Average purchase revenue
    • General conversion rate
    • CR% from item views to add to carts
    • CR % from add to cart to checkout
    • CR % from checkout to purchase


  • Date

    • Time progress: hours, days, weeks, month, quarter, and year.


You can customize your marketing reports directly in Google Sheets with your logo, colors, and branding.
Set up email alerts using conditional notifications when a cell value changes.
Edit all charts and change style values, and then paste them on your Google Slides so they can auto sync.

Utilize functions like SUMIF, VLOOKUP, IF, and ARRAYFORMULA to calculate key metrics like CPA, ROAS, and CTR, automating calculations and combining data fields.

Pull your historical marketing data automatically using our Google Sheets marketing extension.

Filter by date, campaign, channel, and more to get the insights you need.
Set, track, and achieve marketing goals with real-time updates.
Set sync intervals to match your reporting needs, whether daily, weekly, or monthly.
Connect Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more to create a unified view of your marketing performance.


A GA4 ecommerce funnel dashboard report should include key metrics like Total Users, Item Views, Add to Carts, Checkouts, and Purchases to track user flow through the funnel stages. Conversion Rates (CR%) for each stage (e.g., item views to add to carts) are crucial for identifying drop-off points and improving conversions.

Additionally, the dashboard should feature Total Revenue and ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) to provide insight into the financial performance of the ecommerce platform. These metrics, combined with funnel data, give a clear view of both user behavior and revenue outcomes, enabling data-driven decisions for optimization.

Include an auto-sync feature for real-time data updates from Google Analytics 4 using Porter Metrics Google Sheets extension.

While this template is designed specifically for GA4 you can use Google Sheets’ multichannel connectors such as LinkedIn Ads, Shopify to integrate data from other marketing platforms. By combining insights from different sources, you can create a unified view of your overall marketing performance.

To set up email alerts, use the built-in notifications feature in Google Sheets. You can create custom rules to trigger email alerts based on specific conditions, such as when your actual spend exceeds the budget or when pacing percentages hit certain thresholds.

Yes, you can fully customize the charts in the dashboard. You can choose different chart types, adjust colors, fonts, and styles, add data labels, legends, and trendlines, and customize axes and gridlines to match your reporting needs.