How to Create a Free Shopify page report

How to Create a Free Shopify page report

Every Business now knows the importance and potential of eCommerce in terms of scalability and customer reach. In all categories, the eCommerce market is booming and experiencing remarkable growth. One of such premium, all-inclusive eCommerce hosting solution is Shopify. It is very hard to dismiss Shopify’s simplicity of use, payment processing capacity with more than 100 […]

Free Shopify page report template

Free Shopify sales report template for Data Studio

This is the initial report (the first template) of the Shopify connector, it allows for tracking the sales produced by the e-commerce, knowing which are the products with the highest number of sales, to know which are the sources of traffic to the website, and all the details of the orders.
Main metrics: sales, total orders, total orders per product, total sales, cost of sales, net sales, total completed sales, order status, etc.

Free Shopify sales report template for Google Looker Studio

Free Shopify sales report template for Data Studio

Right here, for free and on one Shopify Google Data Studio template, we offer you the opportunity to see a lot more than customers who frequently purchase from your store. On this template, you’ll find insights you need to grow your revenue and outsmart your competitors so you can gain new insights you need to become a thought leader and a giant in your space.

How to setup Shopify Google Analytics conversion tracking

How to setup Shopify Google Analytics conversion tracking

A famous saying states, “what doesn’t get measured can’t be improved.” This statement holds for marketers. Measuring key metrics of marketing campaigns is essential to their success. While there are different schools of thought as to which is better for tracking marketing data, we firmly believe that every e-commerce business owner should use both in […]

Connect Shopify to Looker Studio: tutorial & templates (2024)

How to Connect Shopify to Google Data Studio (Free and Paid Methods)

To connect Shopify to Google Looker Studio (formerly Data Studio), go to Create report (or to the Looker Studio community connectors gallery), choose the Shopify integration by Porter Metrics, connect your Google account, generate a Shopify API Key, connect your Shopify account, choose your Shopify stores, see the list of fields available, download our default […]

How To Create A Shopify Report – Complete Guide

How To Create A Shopify Report - Complete Guide

This guide will teach you how to automate your Shopify sales reports using a free platform such as Google Data Studio. Discover the metrics you need to track to optimize your marketing strategies.  After reading this guide, you will understand the types of reports you can automate, schedule, and share. No code skills are required, […]

Shopify dashboard report templates

Get our team to set up your reports for free. It is ok if you want to set up your report, but if you need help with it, feel free to contact our specialist team in charge. We can set up your reports for free! FREE REPORT SETUP Reporting tutorial We already have a tutorial […]

Shopify sales dashboard report templates

Get our team to set up your reports for free. It is ok if you want to set up your report, but if you need help with it, feel free to contact our specialist team in charge. We can set up your reports for free! FREE REPORT SETUP Reporting tutorial We already have a tutorial […]

Shopify dashboards report templates

Get our team to set up your reports for free. It is ok if you want to set up your report, but if you need help with it, feel free to contact our specialist team in charge. We can set up your reports for free! FREE REPORT SETUP Reporting tutorial We already have a tutorial […]

Shopify customer dashboard report templates

Get our team to set up your reports for free. It is ok if you want to set up your report, but if you need help with it, feel free to contact our specialist team in charge. We can set up your reports for free! FREE REPORT SETUP Reporting tutorial We already have a tutorial […]