Ads Reporting Tool

Do you want to create your Ads reporting on Google Data Studio without errors or data overload?

Get started now.

The fastest way to get your marketing metrics

All your data in one place
Get our team to make your reports.

+1500 customers worldwide, including


Stop Wasting Time With Excel and Create Professional Ads Reports

We’ve made sure to include everything you need for monitoring your ads in our full-featured Ads Reports. 


With this tool, you can finally review your data effortlessly, and optimize certain aspects of your campaign to get the most out of each one.

Let us help you take control of your marketing today!

Get rid of annoying bugs, crashes and glitches

Do you find yourself spending a lot of time trying to get your system back up and running?


It is time to put an end to constant crashes, glitches and failures. 


Make sure that your system is running smoothly by using our automated reporting tool.


If you:

Are you struggling with failing report queries?

Need your reporting to run faster? We know what it’s like to have deadlines and high expectations, but still be waiting for a report. 


Automate it with us to reduce the time needed between collecting information and distributing reports.


If you:

Can’t get help from tech support?

Can’t get help from tech support?

With our ongoing support, you don’t have to ask yourself if we will be available to help you. Talk to us anytime, and we’ll answer any questions or resolve any issues before they become problems.

If you…

….we’re here to help!


Get your problem solved quickly.

Like any artist, you need the right tools to create.

Sometimes bigger isn’t better — and the best deal is the one you can afford. 

We’re here to offer you a platform that all fit in your budget, helping you make the most of your money.

If this sounds like you:

…we are here to change that. 


We’ve stripped the price and difficulty out of our tools so you can make better decisions, faster.

Automated Ads Reports That Help You Make Better Decisions -In Minutes -- Not Hours

Data can be overwhelming. We understand that, which is why we’re here to make your life easier. 


We harness the power of technology to help you make sense of that data and turn it into actionable insights.

Our system integrations are seamless and take the guesswork out of your business management.

Watch how it works in 60 seconds

Step #1

Connect your data

Accessing all your accounts in one place means you can get a complete picture of your activity across your Google products more easily. 


Log on to Dashboard just by using your Google Account, so you don’t have to remember many different passwords, or enter cumbersome codes

Can I integrate more than one data source?

You can integrate multiple sources and connect +10 apps to Google Data Studio.

Step #2

Use our +80 report templates

In just one click, you instantly upload your data to dozens of templates that automatically organize and transform your information. 


Saves you time by eliminating manual reporting tasks, so you can focus on analyzing the numbers that matter most to you.

Can I customize the free templates?

Yes, you can customize the template based on your needs.

Step #3

Create custom widgets and charts

Step #3

Create custom widgets and charts

Our drag and drop user interface makes it easy to build custom widgets, charts, and reports that are uniquely yours. 


You can use them on your website or other web pages.

Can I collaborate with my team on the same report?

Yes, you can collaborate with your team on the same report.

Step #4

Visualize all your metrics and KPIs

Get a full spectrum of your campaign data including all 600+ key metrics, with the ability to add custom report metrics for deeper campaign optimization.

What specific metrics can I visualize?

You can see all the metrics here

Step #5

Make interactive reports

Interactive reports are live and in real-time, so you can quickly glance at the data as it changes.  


This will help you see what’s working and what isn’t for your business.

What if I want to also import my analytics?

You can import your analytics and implement them into your report.

Step #6

Leverage ads reports

With our analytics, you’ll always have the data you need to make smart decisions, track progress and optimize your campaigns. 


With 600 metrics and dimensions , you’ll never find yourself in the dark again.

What else can I include in my report?

Answer it here

Step #7

Share your reports

How can I download my data report?

Answer it here


How do I migrate my dashboards?


Can I combine multiple accounts in one connection?


Is it possible to get a custom setup?

Here’s Why Our Clients Use Porter

Porter Metrics has been a lifesaver for me, I am a busy guy with many clients and this platform doesn’t just help me deliver reports to them but also ensures that they are accurate every single time!

We have over 500 customers with over 10,000 active ads using our Ads Reporting Tool

Whether you’re a small business or large corporation, we have a platform that fits your needs and provides you with all the data in one place.

What are you waiting for?

Don’t waste time re-inventing the wheel 

Start using our reporting platform now

Setup Your Report

If you’re looking for a comprehensive, easy to use and professional ads reporting package, then this is it. 


The software platform provides a straightforward method to get all the information you need in one place.