Questions you can answer with this HubSpot dashboard

Marketing: website and email marketing performance

  • How much traffic are we getting on our website?
  • How many contacts are we getting and what is the acquisition source?
  • What is the conversion rate of our blog posts?
  • What calls to action have better click-through rate on our blog posts?
  • What email marketing campaigns are more effective by open rates and click rates?
  • How does our marketing funnel look like? 

Sales: deals, companies, and contacts pipeline

  • How does our pipeline look like?
  • What is our average deal size? 
  • What is our sales cycle? How much time does it take us to close a deal? 
  • Who’s our best-performing sales person? 
  • How many deals we’ve won, lost, and are still on hold? 
  • How many Marketing Qualified and Sales Qualified leads are we delivering? 
  • What is the acquisition source of our most valuable deals?