Questions you can answer with this dashboard

Paid media: Meta Ads and Google Ads

  • How much money have I spent on ads? Breakdown by period
  • What is the return on investment (ROI) for my ads?
  • Which ads are performing the best in terms of metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, or revenue generated?
  • How many conversions am I getting from my ad campaigns?
  • What is the cost per click (CPC) and cost per conversion (CPA) for each ad in my campaign?
  • Which ad creatives, such as images, videos, or carousels, are delivering the best results in terms of engagement and conversion?

Social media: LinkedIn Pages, Instagram Insights, Facebook Insights

  • Which posts have performed the best on our social media accounts?
  • How does the reach and impressions of our social media content compare to the previous reporting period, and what factors may have influenced any changes in performance?
  • Are we seeing growth in our social media audience?
  • What is the engagement rate of our social media audience?
  • Which types of content generate the highest engagement on each social media platform?
  • How many followers did we gain or lose on each social media platform during the reporting period?

Paid media: Meta Ads and Google Ads

  • Which channels are driving the most traffic to our website, and how has this changed over time?
  • What is the bounce rate for each traffic source, and how can we improve engagement with these visitors?
  • What is the average session duration for each traffic source, and how can we increase user engagement?
  • How many page views does the average user have per session, and how can we improve engagement with our content?
  • What is the conversion rate for each traffic source, and how can we optimize our website to increase conversions?
  • What are the demographic characteristics of our website visitors, and how can we tailor our content to better engage with them?

Social media: LinkedIn Pages, Instagram Insights, Facebook Insights

  • What is our business’s current rating on Google, and how has it trended over time?
  • How many views has our Google Business Profile received in the last month, and how does this compare to previous periods?
  • What are the most common actions taken by users who visit our Google Business Profile, such as requesting directions or making a phone call to our business?
  • How many customer reviews have we received on our Google Business Profile in the past month, and what is the average rating of these reviews?
  • What is the geographic distribution of the users who are viewing our Google Business Profile, and how does this compare to our target audience?