Questions you can answer with this dashboard

Paid media: Facebook, Linkedin Ads and Google Ads

  • What’s my ad spend? Break-down by period.
  • What was the return on investment (ROI) for each ad campaign?
  • What are the best-performing ads
  • How many conversions I’m getting from my campaigns?
  • What was the cost per click (CPC) and cost per conversion (CPA) for each ad?
  • Which ad creatives (e.g., image, video, carousel) performed the best?
  • What are the keywords people are using that drive traffic to your website?

Social media: LinkedIn Pages, Instagram Insights, Facebook Insights

  • What are my best-performing posts?
  • How did the reach and impressions of our social media content compare to our previous reporting periods?
  • Are we growing our audience?
  • What’s the engagement of my audience?
  • What content types drive the most engagement on each social media channel?
  • How many followers did we gain or lose during the reporting period on each platform?

Web analysis: Google Analytics 4

  • Which channels are driving the most traffic to our website, and how has this changed over time?
  • What is the bounce rate for each traffic source, and how can we improve engagement with these visitors?
  • What is the average session duration for each traffic source, and how can we increase user engagement?
  • How many pageviews does the average user have per session, and how can we improve engagement with our content?
  • What is the conversion rate for each traffic source, and how can we optimize our website to increase conversions?
  • What are the demographic characteristics of our website visitors?
  • What is the most popular content on our website, and how can we optimize it for better engagement?
  • What is the customer lifetime value of our website visitors?
  • What is the rate of returning visitors?

SEO: Google Search Console

  • What are the pages driving more traffic to your website?
  • Are my target keywords relevant to my business and the content on your website?
  • What are the countries that are driving more traffic to your website? 
  • What is the overall trend of your organic traffic over time?
  • What is the click-through rate (CTR) of your website in the SERPs?


  • What is the current subscriber count of your YouTube channel?
  • How many views are your videos getting on average?
  • What is the click-through rate (CTR) of your videos?
  • What is the overall trend of your YouTube channel’s performance over time?
  • What is the most popular content on your YouTube channel?
  • How effective are your calls to action (CTAs) in driving engagement and conversions?