Questions you can answer with this dashboard

Web analysis: Google Analytics 4

  • Which channels are driving the most traffic to our website, and how has this changed over time?
  • What is the bounce rate for each traffic source, and how can we improve engagement with these visitors?
  • What is the average session duration for each traffic source, and how can we increase user engagement?
  • How many page views does the average user have per session, and how can we improve engagement with our content?
  • What is the conversion rate for each traffic source, and how can we optimize our website to increase conversions?
  • What are the demographic characteristics of our website visitors?
  • What is the most popular content on our website, and how can we optimize it for better engagement?
  • What is the customer lifetime value of our website visitors?
  • What is the rate of returning visitors?
  • How to set up a GA4 report template on Looker Studio?