Questions you can answer with this dashboard

Paid media: Meta Ads

  • How many leads were generated on a daily, monthly, or annual basis?
  • Which platforms are generating the most conversions for your business?
  • What is the conversion rate of your audience based on demographics such as gender and region?
  • How has your lead generation performance changed over time?
  • Which audience segments are generating the most conversions for your business?
  • Which platforms are performing the best in terms of generating leads and conversions?
  • What is the average cost per lead for each platform and audience segment?
  • Which regions and genders are generating the most leads and conversions for your business?
  • How do your lead generation efforts compare across different time periods, such as quarter over quarter or year over year?
  • What insights can you gather from analyzing the relationship between your lead generation efforts and your conversion rates by platform and audience segment?
  • Which creative assets (image, video, carousel, etc.) generated the most impressions for your Facebook Ads?
  • Which creative assets generated the highest click-through rate (CTR) for your Facebook Ads?
  • Which creative assets generated the highest conversion rate (CVR) for your Facebook Ads?