Questions you can answer with this dashboard

Paid media: Meta Ads

  • Where are the potential customers abandoning the user journey?
  • What is my best-performing ad? In terms of visibility, interactions and conversions.
  • What is my best-performing campaign? In terms of visibility, interactions and conversions.
  • How many Impressions did your ad receive during the campaign?
  • What was the total Reach of your ad during the campaign?
  • What was the average CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) of your ad campaign?
  • What was the average Frequency of your ad during the campaign?
  • How many Clicks did your ad receive during the campaign?
  • What was the average CTR (Click Through Rate) of your ad during the campaign?
  • How many Landing Pageviews did your ad generate during the campaign?
  • How many users clicked on the “Add to Cart” button during the campaign?
  • How many users added your product to their wish list during the campaign?
  • How many users initiated the checkout process during the campaign?
  • What was the average ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) of your ad during the campaign?
  • What was the average Cost per Acquisition of your ad during the campaign?
  • What was the total Purchase Value generated by your ad during the campaign?